40 Texts That Instantly Ruined Someone’s Day

We’ve all gotten our fair share of strange messages—whether it’s a neighbour asking to “borrow” something unexpected or a random drunk text from an ex. But every once in a while, you receive a message so bizarre, so completely out there, that the only reasonable reaction is to share it with the internet.

Today, Pandas, we’ve gathered some of the strangest, funniest, and most confusing texts people have ever received. So sit back, scroll through, and enjoy this wild collection of unexpected digital chaos!

40 Texts That Instantly Ruined Someone’s Day

#1 Opening Gone Unexpected

Awkward text exchange about a tennis ball rolling into someone's chat accidentally.
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#2 My Ex Texted Me After I Found Out He Cheated

Confusing texts discussing memories, trips, and infidelity reveal relationship tension.
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#3 I Don’t Think She’s Gonna Respond Anymore

Awkward and cringeworthy text message exchange on a smartphone screen.
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Text messaging has come a long way since its humble beginnings. Believe it or not, the first-ever text message was sent in 1992 by engineer Neil Papworth, who simply wrote “Merry Christmas” over the Vodafone network.

Back then, no one could have imagined that those tiny text bubbles would eventually revolutionize the way we communicate.

#4 Tinder Goth Girl

Text conversation showing awkward, cringeworthy exchange about past actions between two people.
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#5 Is This Your Man?

Awkward and cringeworthy text exchange about infidelity accusation.
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#6 I’m At Church With My Mom, And She Messaged Me This While I Was At The Washroom

Confusing text exchange about spiritual growth interrupted by a candid message about bathroom activity.
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In the early days, texting wasn’t the free-flowing conversation it is now. SMS had a strict 160-character limit, meaning every word had to be purposeful. There was no room for rambling or over-explaining! This constraint gave rise to abbreviations, many of which are still part of our everyday texting lingo today.

#7 New AirPods Cheaper Than Repair

Awkward text exchange about costly AirPods repair exceeding new purchase, with no clear explanation.
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#8 Guy I (Used To) Find Attractive Happened To Slide Into My Dms

Awkward text exchange with delayed response leading to humorous retirement comment.
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#9 Text From Our Estranged Mum To Sister For Her 17th Birthday

Awkward and confusing text exchange about birthday responsibility misunderstanding.
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Fast forward to today, and texting has become one of the most widely used forms of communication. In 2021 alone, mobile users in the U.S. sent a staggering 2 trillion text messages.

That’s almost 6 billion texts per day! To put that in perspective, if each text took just one second to read, you’d be reading non-stop for over 190 years.

#10 Breaking Up Over Text Is The Worst

Awkward texting conversation about a relationship decision shared in a group message.
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#11 17-Year-Old Said She Was 23

Awkward and cringeworthy text exchange about age reveals safety concerns.
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#12 Texts You Never Want To Get

Awkward and confusing text conversation about a dangerous school situation, advising to stay home.
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With the internet letting us down at the worst times, texting has stayed a reliable lifeline. Whether it’s confirming a meeting, sending a desperate “Help! No WiFi” message, or just checking in with a quick “What’s up?” to a friend, SMS continues to be one of the easiest ways to stay connected when everything else fails.

#13 Woke Up To This Text From My Uncle

Awkward text exchange reveals mistaken identity about someone's dad.
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#14 Verbal Matricide

Awkward text exchange between mom and child about unprotected sex and school life.
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#15 Why Are Some Men Like This?

Awkward and cringeworthy text exchange involving unsolicited messages, ending with a firm response against harassment.
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While texting is still going strong in many places, some countries are seeing a decline. For example, Brits sent around 40.86 billion texts in 2021, which might sound like a lot, but it’s actually a drop from previous years.

By 2022, that number had shrunk even further to 36.44 billion texts, suggesting that even the UK is shifting more toward instant messaging apps instead.

#16 What A Sad Country We Live In For My 12-Year-Old To Text Me This

Text exchange about a school shooting threat, showcasing awkward and confusing texts.
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#17 Man I’m Actually Pissed. My Mother Got Rid Of My First Pet Without Warning Me

Text conversation revealing awkward and confusing messages about a dog being taken to the shelter.
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#18 Surprised My Girlfriend With Baked Goods And Flowers Before She Went To Work, And Her Co-Workers Ate Them All

Awkward text conversation about stolen treats at work, expressing frustration.
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China, on the other hand, continues to dominate the texting game. In 2022, a staggering 1.295 trillion text messages were sent across the country—that’s about 3.5 billion texts per day!

Meanwhile, in Germany, texting appears to be fading into the background, with just 5.8 billion texts sent that same year, marking the lowest numbers yet.

#19 This Is A Normal Response Or I’m Tripping?

Text exchange showing awkward and confusing conversation about relationship readiness.
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#20 I’m *trying* To Date And I Encounter This Constantly. Why Is It Such A Big Deal That I Choose Not To Drink Alcohol??

Awkward text conversation about drinking preferences, with confusion over going out plans.
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#21 My Wedding Is In 2 Days…. This Is The Text I Wake Up To From My Mother

Awkward and confusing text exchange about unexpected wedding guests and seating arrangements.
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While some places still rely on SMS, others have moved on to apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, and Messenger. Let’s be honest—when was the last time you actually sent a regular text instead of a DM? In many parts of the world, texting is starting to feel a bit… old school.

#22 I’m A Teacher. My Student Told Me Her Grandma Died

Confusing text exchange about a nonexistent grandmother's passing.
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#23 My Bfs Creepy Dad

Confusing text exchange featuring awkward compliments and emojis, highlighting cringeworthy and unclear intentions.
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#24 Every Software Engineer Has Experience This

Awkward text exchange with a request to hack a phone, showing confusion in communication.
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That said, businesses are still all about SMS marketing. Gen X leads the charge in receiving promotional texts, with 49% of marketers targeting them. Millennials aren’t far behind at 47%, and Gen Z is catching up with 44%.

And yes, even boomers get in on the action, with 39% of marketing texts landing in their inboxes.

#25 This Guy Just Added Me On Snap From A Dating Site💀 Like Ok???

Confusing texts exchange about bangs and opinions, ending with "Dodging a bullet bestie" comment.
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#26 My Landlord Entered My Apartment Without Notice (Illegal) To Tell Me To Clean My Lint Trap

Awkward text exchange about cleaning a dryer and unpaid rent disputes, showcasing tenants' frustrations.
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#27 How Not To Sell A Car

Awkward text exchange about buying a car with questions about mileage and ownership history.
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But out of the billions of texts sent worldwide every day, some are bound to be absolute gems of chaos, confusion, and pure comedy—just like these. Which of these weird, awkward, or downright baffling texts had you laughing the most? Let us know!

#28 Friends Told Me To Post This On Reddit

Awkward text exchange with unexpected reply about chlamydia.
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#29 So This Just Happened

Awkward text exchange: Messaging assistant concludes chat with Amazon customer without resolving query.
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#30 Mom Knows I’m Engaged And Living With My Fiancé

Awkward text exchange with mom suggesting meeting a girl from Argentina.
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#31 My Friend Does This Sometimes

Awkward text exchange where someone requests a refunded amount back, followed by a humorous response about borrowing.
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#32 Roommate Refuses To Take Any Less Than 1 Hour + In The Shower With 5 Of Us Living Here

Awkward text exchange about shower times, revealing tension among housemates over shared space and daily routines.
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#33 Announced To My Entire Family That I Am Severing All Ties With Them And This Was My Brothers Response

Confusing text exchange; long message with brother's casual reply, "I’m not reading all this" emoji.
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#34 My Aunt Losing Her Mind Over The Name Of My Soon To Be Born Daughter Lilith

Awkward text exchange about naming a child, mentioning exorcism and spiritual effects of names.
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#35 Boss Wants Me To “Make Up” Work Day I’m Missing Because Im Flying Back From A Work Trip

Confusing text message about workday plans on flight or weekend.
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#36 Ex Boyfriend Randomly Dm’ing Me

Awkward text conversation with grammar correction and playful banter about visiting Philadelphia.
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#37 My Husband, Who Is Not Good With Emotional Topics, Broke The News Of My Beloved Cat Being Put To Sleep Like This

Awkward text exchange about a cat, mentioning "big litterbox in the sky" and a confused response.
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#38 My Parents Discussing Who Should Cancel Dinner With Me, Not Realizing I’m On The Thread. Riveting

Awkward text exchange with people avoiding a task, showing reluctance to make a cancellation call.
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#39 A Text From My Wife While She Is At Work

A Text From My Wife While She Is At Work
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#40 Forget Getting To Know Each Other, He Wants To Talk About ‘Perfect Mixed Babies’ First

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