17 Before-After Pics From People Who Are Masters of Smart Cleaning

Life can get overwhelming, leaving little time or energy to tackle the physical clutter and mess in our homes. These Redditors have been there too, but they pushed through, rolled up their sleeves, and brought order back to their spaces. Whether it was a quick vacuum or a few hours of deep cleaning, these determined individuals managed to reclaim their homesโ€”and their peace of mind. Scroll down to see their impressive transformations and let their cleaning triumphs inspire you to take on your own mess!

1. โ€œIโ€™m tired of letting depression control my life, so hereโ€™s to taking it back one step at a time.โ€

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ยฉ timc0 / Reddit

2. โ€œI finally cleaned my kitchen. This is after months of neglect and battling depression. I feel so accomplished and really hope that I can maintain a clean space.โ€

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ยฉ practicalsoup / Reddit

3. โ€œAlways looks so much bigger when itโ€™s clean!โ€

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ยฉ Eggs-Eggs / Reddit

4. โ€œMy bathroom has been disgusting for a while, I got sick of it yesterday and spent 4 hours cleaning.โ€

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ยฉ VerifiedMother / Reddit

5. โ€œA girl said sheโ€™d come over, so I just did a quick vacuum.โ€

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ยฉ Beneficial_One9639

6. โ€œI cleaned my living room.โ€

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ยฉ cxriad / Reddit

7. โ€œKitchen Clean.โ€

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ยฉ Electronic_Lie_8672 / Reddit

8. โ€œSpring Cleaning.โ€

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ยฉ -Gigi_the_cat- / Reddit

9. โ€œI can finally breathe again!โ€

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ยฉ cxriad / Reddit

10. โ€œGave my depression dungeon a makeover.โ€

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ยฉ ACl**NamedElmo / Reddit

11. โ€œI finished my last final exam on Tuesday, slept for what felt like 3 days straight and decided to clean my study mess today.โ€

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ยฉ lauchknospe / Reddit

12. โ€œAfter being this dirty for over a year, I finally cleaned my living room in January, and Iโ€™ve kept up with it so far.โ€

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ยฉ rzolab / Reddit

13. โ€œFinally cleaned our playroom/ schoolroom that I neglected all summer.โ€

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ยฉ capag / Reddit

14. โ€œI cleaned my boyfriendโ€™s depression nest when he was working overtime one weekend.โ€

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ยฉ b****-sinclair / Reddit

15. โ€œTurns out living alone is more difficult than I thought, but I am finally catching up with the mess.โ€

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ยฉ BinkyBarnes***** / Reddit

16. โ€œFlipped the switch and cleaned my momโ€™s bedroom!โ€

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ยฉ dogssdogssdogss / Reddit

17. โ€œShoutout to my mom for helping me.โ€

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ยฉ celeryshark / Reddit

We hope these pictures have inspired you to take action and tackle any messy areas in your home. To make the process easier, here are some additional tips and tricks to help you maintain a cleaner and more organized space.

Preview photo credit timc0 / Reddit

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