15 Stunning Renovations That Transformed the Interior

There’s something truly captivating about seeing a renovated space. It’s as if the house takes on a new life and breathes differently. In this article, people shared how they transformed and upgraded their homes, showcasing their creativity and personal touches.

“Still very much a work in progress, but I’m happy with where it’s at so far.”

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© Rdenauto / Reddit

Before — during — after

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© maxxnas / Reddit

“Before and after my fiancée moved in with me.”

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© squantzorz / Reddit

“The nursery is ready. My wife and I are happy.”

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© Lexyxoxo11 / Reddit

“Kitchen remodel. All work done myself. Very happy with the results!”

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© RZNCA1N / Reddit

Living room: before and after

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© the_moody_cottage / Reddit

“Male living space before and after getting a girlfriend”

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© sparklygemstones / Reddit

“Very proud of my before and after!”

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© HeyYouGuyyys / Reddit

“I hated the floors, they are this really ugly green, but I didn’t want to change them, it’s too involved. Everyone talked me out of it, but I bought a can of paint, and this is what I got.”

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© Avenging-Sky / Reddit

“A can of paint cost $30, and voilà. Well, I also changed the mirror and the hooks. Look!”

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© Avenging-Sky / Reddit

“How do you like this kitchen?”

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© CotaPT / Reddit

Before and after

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© jonnyvegas888 / Reddit

“Made the nursery myself! Proud of myself.”

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© South_Information_15 / Reddit

“We bought a house. I wanted to renovate it badly, but we didn’t have the money. And now my dream has come true.”

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© SignificanceExtreme1 / Reddit

“My style isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay! But we don’t design our homes to please others—we do it to create a space that feels cozy and peaceful to us.”

While this might not be my personal taste, I absolutely love it! Seriously, wow! Incredible job transforming the space. It’s so whimsical and magical. © SASPEKTOR / Reddit

“Finally got my living room where I want it after 3 years!”

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© HashtagHerrera / Reddit

Before and after

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© honeycantaloupe / Reddit

Do you enjoy watching “before” and “after” transformations? Then here’s another colletion for you.

Preview photo credit Avenging-Sky / Reddit

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